How Often Should I Pull a Transformer Oil Sample? - Southwest Electric

How Often Should I Pull a Transformer Oil Sample?

A common question we get from our customers is “How often should I pull transformer oil samples?”

Our training manager Mark Stone has the answer in our latest video:

Oil sampling is crucial because it allows you to both spot and fix potential issues early, as well as allowing the individual to assess the performance and condition of the transformer. Most of the industry finds that insurance companies set minimum requirements for their transformer oil testing. In most cases, an annual transformer oil sample analysis is required, and that is what Southwest Electric Co recommends as a minimum.  Unfortunately, an oil sample schedule isn’t a one-size-fits-all plan. For example, more expensive transformers or transformers with greater criticality in your facility might require quarterly testing in addition to their annual transformer oil samples. Here at Southwest Electric Co., our goal is to provide a tailored customer experience. Contact us today with your questions – we can create and implement a maintenance plan that is perfect for your facility.

See our answers to other commonly asked questions by clicking the links below:

Which Oil Tests Should I Run On My Transformers and What Do I Do with My Transformer Oil Test Results

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